Music Incogitatus! ::: A free improvisation ensemble
Welcome to Music Incogitatus!
a free improvisation ensemble, founded in Logan, Utah
*Music Incogitatus! is currently under haitus, but will start up again someday!*

 "Incogitatus" and "Spontaneous Music"

Incogitatus is a Latin word with a couple of  meanings. A quick web search will show you
that it could mean one of three things:  thoughtless, inconsiderate or spontaneous. In
the case of our musical ensemble, we've choosen "Spontaneous" to be our synonym.

A spontaneously improvised musical composition is one that is performed impulsively, with no rules or standards. It may be non-idiomatic, where the performers make an effort to avoid references to musical styles or genres. Performers may follow a mood, texture or idea, but may be instructed to play freely, without regard to external influence.

Music Incogitatus! was originally founded by Anthony Aronovici while he was attending Utah State University  The first session was in November, 2007 and has gone through periods of stagnancy and non-recording throughout the years.

"It's like a car crash... you don't want to look (listen) but you just can't help yourself..." - Steven Rowbottom, regular Music Incogitatus! listener