Music Incogitatus! ::: A free improvisation ensemble

Frequently Asked Questions:

About "Spontaneous Composition:"
    Spontaneous Composition is somewhat synonymous with "Free Improvisation." Free Improvisation is just that - improvised music that is free from the idiosyncracies of any particular musical movement or genre. The idea in itself is a paradox, since it creates a genre or style within itself.

How do I perform "Spontaneous Music?"
Performing a freely improvised piece can be extremely easy, or taxing and intensive. It varies depending on the instrumentation, mood of the performers, and technical ability of the performer.
    How to spontaneously compose: Although performers may choose to play in a certain style or key, or at a certain tempo, conventional songs are highly uncommon in free improvisation; more emphasis is generally placed on mood, texture or, more simply, on "performative gesture" than on preset forms of melody, harmony or rhythm. These elements are improvised at will, as the music progresses. (Wikipedia)

Is there a rehearsal?
    No. You cannot rehearse free improvisation - otherwise it is predetermined. Free Improvisation is generally performed on a 'whim' or on the spot.  It is possible to practice free improvisation: pick up your instrument and play whatever feels natural!

Who is invited?
Anyone that is interested in expanding their musical knowledge and technique. Free Improvisation isn't for everybody, but I think it should be. Everyone is invited to perform.  Music Incogitatus! also allows an audience during each session.  Anyone is allowed to sit and watch, or to sit in and play.

When and Where is the next session?
    Music Incogitatus! sessions have been held at Utah State, at KSM Music, in Citrus and Sage and sometimes at Anthony's house.  The time and location vary.  The next session is on Tuesday, Sept 28, 2010.  Check out the Facebook event page: